4th sem marathi notes pdf
ही नोटस तुम्हाला यश पब्लिशर डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर च्या सहाय्याने पाहायला मिळत आहे बी.ए द्वितीय सत्र चौथा सेमिस्टर कंपल्सरी इंग्लिश नोट्स प्रोफेसर प्रदीप कुमार यांनी लिहिलेली ही नोटस याच्यात चार युनिट आहे
- त्यामधील पहिला प्रोस सेक्शन आहे त्याच्यामध्ये चार प्रोज आहे यादी खालील प्रमाणे:
- Three Great Hearts Resolve a Problem: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalams
- he The First/Arunima : Sinha Pushed From Train, Lost a Leg, but Scaled the Top :Shohini Bose
- The Story of an Hour : Kate Chopin
- Too Dear : Leo Tolstoy
- दुसरा युनिट याच्यामध्ये चार पोएट्री आहे ते खालील प्रमाणे:
- Once Upon a Time : Gabriel Okara
- I Am Not That Woman : Kishwar NaheedT
- he Butterfly : Arun Kolhatkar
- Come, Little Leaves : George Cooper
- तिसरा युनिट रायटिंग स्किलचा आहे याच्यामध्ये दोन सेक्शन आहे ते खालील प्रमाणे :
A. Language Skills Part-II Dialogue Writing
- Dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer, Dialogue between a bank employee and a customer
- Dialogue between two friends about the examination, Dialogue between a teacher and a student
B. Skills based on the prescribed textbook
- चौथा युनिट याच्यात लैंग्वेज स्टडी आहे ते खालील प्रमाणे:
- Voice
- Vocabulary Building - Root Words (from the textbook)
Three Great Hearts Resolve a Problem: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalams
Three Great Hearts Resolve a Problem by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam portrays a life of extraordinary determination, courage, perseverance and the desire to excel. His childhood town of Rameswaram is a small island. Its highest spot is the top a hill called Gandamadana Parvatham. Standing there, one could see the whole of its lush green coconut palms credible everywhere, the sea in the distance and the Ramanathaswamy Temple. It was a quiet town. The people made their living from either fishing or coconut farming, and tourism. Rameswaram is one of the holiest pilgrimage spots for many Indians.
The small local population consisted of mostly Hindu households, with a sprinkling of Muslims and Christians too. Each community lived in healthy contentment next to the other. The divisions rarely made their way here. His father told the story of his great-great-grandfather, who once saved the idol of the Ramanathaswamy Temple. On a festival day, the idol, would be taken out of the sanctum and carried in a procession around the temple. The temple has a number of tanks, and the idol was taken out of these tanks. During one such procession, the vigraha fell into the tank. People stood in horror. One person, however, did not lose his presence of mind his great- great-grandfather. He leapt into the tank and found out the idol. He was treated like a hero. The temple also made a proclamation that it would give Mudal Marayadai to him. This was a rare honour for anyone. This tradition went on for years and years and the Marayadai would be given to his father. His father had a ferry business in which pilgrims were taken to Dhanushkodi.
His father was the imam of the Rameswaram mosque. He was a deeply sincere man with utter faith in the Koran. He inculcated all the habits of a good Muslim in his children and indeed in his entire family. For the people of the town, he was a philosopher and guide. They could turn to with their problems, whether spiritual or otherwise. One of his closest friends was the priest of the Ramanathaswamy Temple, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry. Hewas not only the priest but also a very learned man, well versedin Vedic knowledge. He was always dressed in the traditional attire of a temple priest, in his dhoti and angavastram. He was one of the kindest, most gentlemen.
There was a third person who was Father Bodal, the priest of the church in the town. He was as involved in the welfare of the churchgoers of Rameswaram as his father and Sastry, and they concerned about the need for harmony and peace in Rameswaram. They met every Friday evening, at around four-thirty, and discussed matters of religion and the happenings of the town. They kept each other apprised of anything that could potentially threaten the peace among the people and together, they tried to work out ways of clearing miscommunication. Their discussions ranged over a number of topics - the Freedom Movement, the attitude of the British government. They quietly soothed the society around them, making it a harmonious whole where everyone could have an opportunity to speak freely to them.