Jio Phone Next was scheduled to be launched on September 10 but due to some technical reasons its date has been pushed forward to November and it will get more advanced features like Google Play Store, Google Assistant and many more features The phone has been made by Google and Jio its price will be ₹3500 and when it will be launched its date has not been fixed yet.
Will Jio phone next be available for ₹ 500 ?
Let me tell you that Jio has said that you can get Jio phone next for ₹500 and let me tell you that yes it is absolutely possible but you cannot get such direct for this you can get bank offers or you can get ₹500 down You can get a Jio phone by paying in the month of November there is Diwali in India so some phones can be found for ₹500.
Right now Jio has given Jio phone next to some people to tile and then after seeing good ratings Jio phone next will be launched and Jio has decided to sell 50 million phones as you will know that there is a shortage of chips in the world. The chips are what is used in the video games in the mobile,video game industry the mobile industry they are getting delayed in launching their phones because of these chips and yes very soon Jio phone will be seen in the next market.
In Jio Phone Next, you will get many features like Google Assistant Play Store double camera and how many megapixels the camera is going to come in it, the company has not told and you will get 4G variant in this mobile you will get to see in the market for about Rs 3500. You can also buy it online, you can buy it from Flipkart, Amazon or other side, you will get it before Diwali.Although we were going to launch on September 10, but I told you earlier that due to some technical fault, it has been pushed forward, if you want to see its phone, then you can search on YouTube Next, there you will get the complete review of the phone below. You will be watching the video by clicking there you can watch the video in Jio Phone Next